Your software includes a Global Changes option, which you can use to make amendments to a group of employee records. This saves you the time of amending each record individually.
Simply select the employees you'd like to include in the changes, click Tasks, then Global Changes and select the option you'd like to change.
Let's take a closer look at what you can do with global changes.
Click on an option below to find out how more.
- Tax codes >
You can use Global Changes to perform the following tax code tasks:
- Replace one tax code with another
- Apply a tax code change where the code has a certain prefix
- Apply a tax code change where the code has a certain suffix
- Set the W1/M1 flag
- Clear the W1/M1 flag
- NI Categories >
You can use this option to change your employees' NI categories. Global changes: NI categories >
- Pay Elements >
This allows you to amend the settings of your payments and deductions. Global changes: pay elements >
You can use this option to:
- Change the default rate of a payment
- Change the default hours of a payment
- Change the default multiplier of a payment
- Add or remove payments from an employee
- Set the salary for a group of employees
- Change the salary details
- Set or clear the Apply Minimum Wage Flag
- Set or clear the Apprentice Flag
Global changes: pay elements >
You can use this option to :
- Change the default rate of a deduction
- Change the default hours of a deduction
- Add or remove deductions from an employee
- Add or remove salary sacrifice deductions from an employee
- Clear to date values
You can use this option to:
- Add a loan
- Remove a loan
- Change the normal deduction rate
- Change the loan amount
Advance Pay
You can use the Advance Pay option from the Global Changes menu to advance pay quickly and easily for a group of employees.
- Pensions >
CAUTION: You should not use this option if you have the Sage 50 Payroll Pensions Module. The module automatically adds pension schemes to the relevant employees and sets the opt in, opt out and enrolled statuses within the Pension Assessment window.
You can use this option to:
- Add and remove a pension scheme
- Leave a pension scheme
- Set the qualifying scheme opt-in
- Set the contractually enrolled status
- Cost Centres and Departments >
You can use this option to:
- Assign or remove a cost centre
- Assign or remove a department
- Holidays >
You can use this option to:
- Assign or remove a holiday scheme
- Set employees on holiday or remove a holiday
- Clear brought forward holiday figures
- Pay employees from their holiday fund
- Change the holiday fund accrual amount
- Advance the employee holiday year
- Set the holiday fund year to date to zero
Holidays/SSP Qualifying Day Patterns
You can use this option to assign working day patterns to your employees. Holiday and absence qualifying patterns >
- Electronic Documents >
You can use this option to:
- Add or remove payslip comments
- Set employees to receive electronic documents
- Remove the electronic document setting
- Set a document email address and password
- Online Services >
You can use this option to:
- Set Online Services Flag
- Clear Online Services Flag
- Set Email Address
- Assign employees a new.... >
You can use this option to assign employees a new
- Status
- Pay period
- Payment method
- Access level
- Net to Gross >
You can use this option to flag or unflag employees to be paid by Net to Gross and also set the Net pay value for these employees.
- Statements of Employment >
You can use this option to:
- Set the reissue status flag for employees
- Set the notice period for employees
- Set the period of employment for employees
- Set the SSP terms for employees
- Set the contracted hours for employees
- Automatic Enrolment >
You can use this option to set or clear the Non-UK worker status for employees.
- Net of Foreign Tax >
You can use this option to set employees as being paid under net of foreign tax arrangements or to remove them from this.
- Apprenticeship Schemes >
You can use this option to set the apprenticeship start or end date for your employees.