Global changes: Assign employees a new...

Sage 50 Payroll includes a Global Changes option that you can use to make amendments to a group of employee records, rather than having to amend each record individually.

Let's run through using this now.


Assign a new status

  1. Select the required employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  2. Click Assign Employee(s) a new then click Status.
  3. Click the required status then click OK.
  4. Click Yes then click OK.

Assign a new pay period

  1. Select the required employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  2. Click Assign Employee(s) a new then click Pay Period.
  3. Click the required status then click OK.
  4. Click Yes then click OK.

Assign a new payment method

  1. Select the required employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  2. Click Assign Employee(s) a new then click Pay Method.
  3. Click the required status then click OK.
  4. Click Yes then click OK.

Assign a new access level

  1. Select the required employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  2. Click Assign Employee(s) a new then click Access Level.
  3. Click the required status then click OK.
  4. Click Yes then click OK.

Find out more about how to set access levels.

Assign a new access Country

  1. Select the required employees then click Tasks then click Global Changes.
  2. Click Assign Employee(s) a new then click Country.
  3. Click the required status then click OK.
  4. Click Yes then click OK.

[BCB:149:Move feedback:ECB][BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]


Steps to duplicate
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