Net of foreign tax credit relief (Appendix 5)

If you have an employee who's sent to work abroad, you may deduct foreign tax for the country in which they work in addition to UK tax.

In this case you can apply to HMRC to use the Net of Foreign Tax Credit Relief arrangement. This is often referred to as Appendix 5.


With this arrangement, you can reduce the amount of UK tax by the amount of foreign tax. This can help avoid the employee being taxed by both the UK and the foreign body, and will reduce your liabilities to HMRC. You can only offset the value of the foreign tax up to the value of the UK tax.

You must then report the reduced and foreign amounts of tax to HMRC under real time information (RTI). Information about the reduced UK tax values, and the foreign tax paid, are reported to HMRC as part of your full payment submission (FPS), as part of the deductions from net pay value.

Before you can operate a net of foreign tax arrangement, you must first register to HMRC to do so. 

Enable net of foreign tax credit relief

If you need to use this arrangement and you've registered with HMRC, you need to

Set an employee as paying foreign tax

Once you've enabled this arrangement in your Sage 50 Payroll company, you need to 

Record foreign tax amounts

Once you're set up, you can use Enter Payments to 

Check amounts deducted

If you'd like to check the year to date amount deducted, or for previous periods, you can 

Stop using this arrangement

If you need to stop using the net of foreign tax arrangement for any employees, you can

How foreign tax is displayed and recorded in Sage 50 Payroll


Most standard reports and payslip layouts within Sage 50 Payroll, show the full amount of UK tax that is calculated on the employee's pay, excluding any foreign tax.

Here is how some of the most common reports

Payslip layout

If you prefer, you can 

Nominal Link

If you post salary journals using the nominal Link to post the information to your accounts program, the full UK tax is sent across.

To show the amount of foreign tax, you must record a salary journal in your accounts program. 

Full Payment Submission (FPS)

The full payment submission (FPS) liability only shows the full UK PAYE value that has been calculated for the employee.

In the background, the FPS also contains further detail on the value of taxable pay, the UK PAYE and any 

Download additional reports

Alternatively, to view the UK tax, foreign tax and any shortfall, you can 

Common Questions

If you'd like some more information on this arrangement, you can view the

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