Global changes: NI categories

Sage 50 Payroll contains a Global Changes option, which you can use to make amendments to a group of employee records, rather than having to amend each record individually.

TIP: For information on which NI category should be assigned to your employee, please visit Gov.UK >


Change employees' NI category

  1. From the employee list, select the required employees.
  2. Click Tasks, then click Global Changes.
  3. Next, click NI Categories, then click Replace One NI Category With Another.
  4. Complete the Change NI category window as follows:

    Select the category or categories you wish to change

    Select all the categories you'd like to change.

    Select the replacement category To choose the new category to assign, click the finder button and from the drop-down list select the required category.
  5. To apply your changes to the selected employee records, click OK.
  6. When the message appears, advising how many employee records will be affected by the change, check this is correct, then click Yes.
  7. When the message appears, advising how many employee records were successfully updated, to return to the Sage 50 Payroll desktop, click OK.

 TIP: If you'd like to verify the changes made, double-click one of the employee records, click the Employment tab and check the NI Category. 

You've now changed the NI category for the selected employee records.

[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]




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