If an apprentice joins your company, you need to set up a new employee record. The details of the new employee are then included on the full payment submission (FPS). Let's set their record up.
Before you enter employee details
Before you enter your employee details, if they've had another job in the current tax year, you require a copy of their P45. If they don't have a P45, or they haven't worked in the current tax year, you need to ask them to complete a Starter checklist.
If you've staged for automatic enrolment and are using the Pensions Module, you must leave the pension scheme details blank when you set up the new employee's record. This is so the employee can be assessed when you process your pay run. They are automatically enrolled if they meet the criteria.
Add an employee via the Quick Employee option
Click Employee, then click Quick Employee.
Enter the employee's details, ensuring you complete all details marked with an asterisk *.
Click Save and Clear, then click Close.
Set the employee up as an apprentice
Double-click the relevant employee, then click the Employment tab.
Click the Apprentice button.
Enter the relevant Start date and End date, then click OK. TIP: These dates must be the dates they started the apprenticeship, and the date they officially finished the apprenticeship, not their date of employment.
Click Save, then click Close.
If you need to increase your employee licence and want to know more, leave your details and we'll get in touch.
Global changes
If you need to set the same Apprenticeship start date or end date to multiple employees, you can use global changes.
Select the required employees then clickTasksthenGlobal Changes.
ClickApprenticeship Schemesthen, as required, click: