FAQ: Common 2-factor authentication (2FA) questions

How do I receive codes?

You can get a 6-digit code using an Authenticator App on your smartphone. This is the recommended option as it means you can get codes anytime and don’t need a phone signal or WiFi access.

If you already have an Authenticator App, you can use it with your Sage Account. If not, you need to download one.

If you don’t have a smartphone, you can also receive a 6-digit code via Text Message (SMS), Phone calls or by using a desktop authenticator app. 

What if I don't have my device?

During the setup process, you receive a recovery code. Keep this code safe, as it allows you to log in when you don't have your 2FA device.

You can only use your recovery code once. Using it will generate a new code for you.

In addition to the recovery code, you can also set up a backup recovery method using a phone number or alternative email address. Use your recovery method if you lose your device or recovery code.

It's important to note:

  • You can't use the same phone number for SMS codes and as a backup recovery method

  • If you don't have an alternative email address, create one with a free provider like Google (Gmail) or Microsoft Outlook

Can multiple people use the same login?

Each user needs their own login credentials and their own 2FA setup. Sharing account details poses serious security risks, including unauthorised access and difficulties in tracking data changes.

To find out how this affects your Sage product, visit the 2FA hub and select your product to find a dedicated article about your product.

Why do I need 2FA if I'm the only one accessing my data? 

Even if you're the only user of your computer, 2FA is crucial for protecting your Sage account from unauthorised access. A data breach could compromise your email and password, leaving your account vulnerable to malicious activities

How do I set up 2FA without a mobile or tablet device?

If you don't have a mobile or tablet device, you can still set up 2FA to receive codes via a landline phone call. When prompted for 2FA, you'll receive a call that reads out your code.

Can I use a Desktop Authenticator App?

Yes, although we're unable to recommend a particular desktop authenticator, and some are not free. 

I haven't received my 6-digit code

  • Multiple Users on the Same Account? If you're sharing login credentials, each user needs to have separate logins and 2FA set up on their individual devices, otherwise someone else may receive your code. 2-factor authentication (2FA) for multi-user Sage accounts >
  • Using the Authenticator App? Make sure to open the app to view your code - You won't receive a notification with your code
     TIP: Find out more in our 2-factor authentication with an authenticator app guide.
  • Incorrect Phone Number: If you're using text or phone call, ensure the phone number associated with your account is correct and up to date. If there has been a recent change in your phone number, you may need to set up 2FA again
  • Carrier Issues: Sometimes, mobile carriers might have delays or problems with SMS delivery. This can be due to network congestion, maintenance, or outages affecting the service
  • Spam filters or blocking: Some phones have spam filters that might mistakenly block or filter out SMS messages from unknown numbers, including 2FA codes. Check this with your phone provider

I haven’t received my text message or phone call with my code

  • Check Mobile Signal: Ensure your mobile device has a sufficient signal. If not, use your recovery code to log in temporarily
  • Re-attempt Delivery: If you have a good signal but didn’t receive the code, try requesting the code again
  • Persistent Issues? Use your recovery code or method for now. If problems continue, contact Sage technical support >

Error: 'You Reached the Maximum Amount of Times'

  • Cool Down Period: Wait for 1 hour before trying again. Make sure to select the correct authentication method that you originally set up
  • Temporary Solution: Use your recovery code or recovery method to log in for now

Error: 'Something went wrong. Wait a few minutes and try again'

This error occurs when multiple users attempt to sign in with the same email. This also appears if a user logs in and out multiple times in a short period of time. We'll block your account for 24 hours to protect it.

My six-digit code wasn't accepted

I can't access my device

If you can't access your device, use the 24-digit recovery code saved during the 2FA setup. How to log in without the 2-factor authentication (2FA) device >

I can't access my recovery code

In this case, contact Sage technical support for assistance. For regions outside of UK and Ireland, visit Sage.com/Resources for support.

I can't access my device or recovery code

In this case, contact Sage technical support for assistance. For regions outside of UK and Ireland, visit Sage.com/Resources for support.

I've selected "Remember me on this device for 30 days" but it's not working

When you select Remember me on this device for 30 days, our 2FA system uses web browser cookies to remember your choice. 

This setting won't save if you disable or delete your cookies. Find out more in our the 'Remember me on this device for 30 days' option isn't working guide.

Can I receive the 2FA code by email?

You can't receive your 2FA code via email. You can only receive the code via an authenticator app, text message or phone call.

My authenticator app isn't showing Sage

This indicates either:

  • You set up 2FA then deleted Sage from your authenticator app
  • You set up 2FA with either the text message or phone call option to receive your code
  • You haven't completed 2FA setup - in this case you can set up 2-factor authorisation as normal when prompted 

If you deleted Sage from your authenticator app or want to change your authentication method, follow our how to change your 2-factor authentication (2FA) device guide.

My accountant or bookkeeper can't access my account

You can't share your login credentials with your accountant or bookkeeper. If you're using a Sage Business Cloud solution and need to grant your accountant or bookkeeper access, follow the link below.