Full Payment Submission (FPS)

How to send your payroll information to HMRC. You must send your company, employee, and employee payment details. You do this each time you pay your employees. This is know as a Full payment Submission (FPS).

The FPS contains:
  • Starter and leaver information
  • Employee information such as name, address, NI number, and tax code
  • Employee payment and deduction information
  • Tax, NI, and student loan contributions

 TIP: Within your HMRC portal, set up an email address to receive confirmation of a successful electronic submission. 

 NOTE: If the submission is taking a long time, leave it to complete. You can continue to use the payroll as needed. You can even close down the payroll or PC/Laptop. The submission will continue in the background. It will either complete the submission or report an error message if it fails. See the section: 'To check a submission is successful'. 

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