Edit Pay during a pay run

Edit Pay is the third stage of a pay run. You can review and edit payments and deductions for individual employees.


To specify employee pay details:

  1. Go to the Pay Runs tab. Select Process Pay Run and proceed to the Edit Pay stage.
  1. Select the required employee. You may need to scroll down to find the employee you want.
 TIP: Changing employee tax details

You can change certain employee tax details from the Edit Pay stage of a pay run. To do this, select the employee’s name. This opens the Edit Tax Details window. From here you can adjust the following information:
  • Tax Code
  • Week1/Month1
  • NI Category
  • On Trade Dispute
  • Director – this applies to the current pay run as well as all future pay runs
Your changes save to the employee record and also apply to future pay runs. 

  1. Using Payments

Setting valuesEnter the required value for the payment.

For example, if you have an Hourly-Based Payment, enter the number of hours and the hourly rate.
Adding an existing paymentAdd an existing payment to the employee’s pay in this pay run. Select Add Payment then select the required payment.
Adding a new paymentIf you need to use a payment not already set up in the system, select Add Payment. Select Add a new payment.
Removing a paymentTo remove a payment from an employee’s pay in the current pay run, select the delete button to the left of the payment.

This does not delete the payment type from the payroll system.

For information on paying employees for their holidays, see Holiday Pay.

  1. Using Deductions

     TIP: You may have created a new pension scheme, and want to process pension deductions. Even if this is before your auto-enrolment date you can do this. Read our article adding a pension scheme to your employee.

Setting deduction values

Enter the required value for the deduction. For example, if you have a standard deduction, enter the deduction amount for the pay run.

Setting values is more complex in the case of:

For these deduction types, select the deduction name. This opens the deduction details window. Here you can provide information that determines the deduction amount.

Adding an existing deductionTo add an existing deduction to the employee’s pay in this pay run, select Add Deduction. Select the required deduction.
Adding a new deductionIf you need to use a deduction not already been set up in the system, select Add Deduction. Select Add a new deduction.
Removing a DeductionRemove a deduction from an employee’s pay in the current pay run. Select the delete button to the left of the deduction.

This does not delete the deduction type from Payroll.

The changes you make are auto-saved immediately, so there’s no danger of ever losing any of your work.

The system saves your settings for the next pay run. The values in the next pay run default to the values from this pay run. This can save you time if you usually process the same values in each pay run.
  1. Once you enter all the necessary details, select Next to move onto the final step of your pay run, Confirm Pay.

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