Get your Government Gateway credentials

Before submitting any information to HMRC you register for a Government Gateway account. You then enrol for the PAYE for Employers service.

 If you already have an account, you should check it’s still active. If you’re not registered, or if your status is inactive, HMRC will reject your submissions.


Entering your Government Gateway Credentials in Payroll

  1. Run your payroll as usual.
  2. Select Complete Pay Run. Payroll asks for your Government Payroll Credentials.
  3. Select Store Password for future submissions. You don't have to enter these details again.
 TIP: For security reasons, you can't view details of your User ID and Password from within the product. Use HMRC Online Services (opens in new tab) if you need to recover your account. 

You can submit the following forms from Payroll:

You must ensure that the company details match in both your HMRC and Payroll services. This will help to avoid any Submission errors (opens in new tab).

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