Make changes to a completed pay run

There will be times when you need to make changes.

For example, you've forgotten to pay overtime to an employee, or used the wrong tax code.

If you need to correct any errors or make any adjustments, you can edit a completed pay run in corrections mode.

The changes you make could affect the amount of pay due to an employee. In this case, you can include the difference when you next pay them.

Including the difference adds a payment or deduction to the employee's pay. This covers any change in the employee net pay. 

You see a payment or deduction called Correction in the Edit Pay stage of the current pay run. This means there's a change to a completed pay run. You could have added or changed absence dates in a previous pay run.

Read our article Understanding payroll corrections.


Before editing a completed pay run

Before editing a completed pay run:

We recommend that you print payslips for any employees whose pay you’re changing.

Also print the P32 employer payment record for the month or quarter the pay run relates to. You can then compare changes in the values before and after editing.

If you need to correct any errors or make any adjustments, you can edit your payroll.

Employees Changes:

  • Tax Code
  • Week1/Month1
  • NI Category
  • On Trade Dispute

This only applies to the pay run you edit. For a permanent change, make sure you update the employee record.

 NOTE: Changes to Directorship Details apply to the pay run you've editing and all following pay runs. 

Any changes apply when you make them.

Edit absences

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit absences.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the Edit absences window, you can make any required changes. Any changes you make will save immediately.
  5. When you have finished editing absences, select Close.
    NOTE: Any difference in net pay due, shows in the employee pay window in the next pay run. This appears as either a correction deduction or correction payment. If you prefer not to display this correction. Refer to the 'There's an unwanted correction in the employee record' section within this article.  

Edit pay

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit pay.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the Edit Pay window, select the employee you need to update and make any required changes.
  5. If applicable, select the next employee and make the required changes.
  6. Select Save corrections.
  7. Decide if you want the changes to show in the next pay run. Select the appropriate option.
     NOTE: Sometimes you only have the option to not show the difference in the next pay run. For instructions on seeing the difference in the next pay run, read this article: No option to show corrections in the next pay run (opens in new tab).
  8. Select Next.
  9. If you're happy submitting the FPS using your currently saved HMRC credentials, go to step 12.
  10. If you need to change your HMRC credentials, untick Use saved credentials?
  11. Enter your HMRC User ID and Password.
  12. Select Confirm.

Your adjusted FPS submits to HMRC. You'll see confirmation of a successful submission on the Summary screen.

For any queries you have with editing or correcting pay, we’ve put together a list of common questions.

Read our article Understanding payroll corrections.

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