Correct a completed pay run

Once you've completed a pay run in Sage Payroll, you may need to make changes.

For example, you may have forgotten to pay overtime to an employee.

You may have paid an employee using the wrong tax code.
 NOTE: Read our article Change an employee's tax details within the Edit Pay stage of a pay run.

This article explains how to make these corrections and the impact on your future pay runs.

The procedure below is the same regardless of the pay period you are correcting. Correct a week 1 error with the same procedure you correct a week 42 error.

 NOTE: If you have missed a new employee off the pay run, read our article Add an employee to a completed pay run.


Before you edit a completed pay run

We recommend that:

  • You print payslips for any employees whose pay you're changing. For steps on how to do this, read our article Payslips.
  • Print the P32 employer payment record for the month or quarter the pay run relates to. This allows you to compare the values before and after the changes. For steps on how to do this, read our help article The P32 employer payment record.

When you edit a completed pay run, payroll will recalculate any difference in PAYE or NI. It will also calculate the difference the adjustments made to the employee's net pay. This may result in a higher or lower net pay for that particular period. You can pay or deduct the difference from the employee in the next pay run. Depending on the circumstances at the time, you may or may not want to pay or deduct the difference.

Read through the examples below and decide which option suits your circumstances.

 NOTE: You may have more than one employee to correct. You may want to show the difference in net pay for some employees but not for others. In this case, split the employees into 2 groups. Run through the whole procedure for the first group (correction to show). Then run through the procedure for the second group (no correction shown).


Steps to duplicate
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