Correcting errors in previous tax years

Once you've completed a year end in Sage Payroll, you may need to make changes.

For example, you may have forgotten to pay overtime to an employee, or paid an employee using the wrong tax code.

This article explains how to make these corrections when they are for a pay run from a previous tax year.

Correcting pay runs from a prior tax year is almost the same process as correcting those in the current tax year.

The difference is:

  • You may need to submit a Supplementary FPS 
  • You may need to submit a Supplementary EPS

 NOTE: You can't submit a Supplementary EPS from within payroll. You need to make an EPS submission using HMRC Basic Tools (opens in new tab).


Although Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) is mandatory, it is not claimed back from HMRC. This means SSP is not included on the EPS. It does not reduce your liability to HMRC.

All other statutory payments are claimed back from HMRC. If you qualify for Small Employers' Relief your reclaim is 100% of the statutory payment, plus 3% compensation. If you don't qualify for  Small Employers' Relief  you can still claim back 92%.

The reclaim is communicated to HMRC via the EPS you submit each month or quarter.

Any changes that affect an employee's net pay can carry forward to the next pay run processed. You get the chance to decide during the editing process.

Add or edit SSP

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit absences.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the Edit absences window, you can make any required changes. Any changes you make will save immediately.
  5. When you have finished editing absences, select Close.
  6. Complete the pay run. 
  7. Now submit a Supplementary FPS.

If the only statutory absence you added is SSP, there is no need to submit a Supplementary EPS. This is because SSP is not reclaimed from HMRC, so does not reduce your liabilities to them. Any other statutory absence means a Supplementary EPS is needed to reduce your HMRC liabilities. Read the rest of this article.

 NOTE: Any difference in net pay due to the absence, shows in the employee pay window in the next pay run. 

Add or edit all other statutory absences

If you haven't yet submitted your month 12 or Quarter 4 EPS:

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit absences.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the Edit absences window, you can make any required changes. Any changes you make will save immediately.
  5. When you have finished editing absences, select Close.
  6. Complete the pay run.
  7. Now submit a Supplementary FPS.

The final EPS has not been submitted. Your final P32 values will now be updated.

 NOTE: Any difference in net pay due to the absence, shows in the employee pay window in the next pay run. 

If you have submitted your month 12 or quarter 4 EPS:

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit absences.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the Edit absences window, you can make any required changes. Any changes you make will save immediately.
  5. When you have finished editing absences, select Close.
  6. Complete the pay run. 
  7. Now submit a Supplementary FPS.

 NOTE: Any difference in net pay due to the absence, shows in the employee pay window in the next pay run. 

Because you have already submitted your month 12 or Q4 EPS

Supplementary EPS:

To reclaim the statutory amount back from HMRC you need to submit a Supplementary EPS.

The supplementary EPS will inform HMRC of the statutory amount paid to the employee.

This will lower your HMRC liabilities but this can't be done from within payroll, this is because you have already submitted your final EPS. This means your P32 values won't update within the program.

You need to send a Supplementary EPS using HMRC Basic Tools (opens in new tab).

Add or edit pay

  1. Select the Pay Runs tab, then the relevant completed pay run.
  2. From the Edit pay run drop-down menu, select Edit pay.
  3. Select the checkbox to confirm you understand the impact of editing a pay run, then Confirm.
  4. From the edit pay window, select the employee you need to update and make any required changes.
  5. If applicable, select the next employee and make the required changes.
  6. Once you've made all changes, select Save corrections.
  7. Decide if you want the changes to show in the next pay run or not. Select the appropriate option.
     NOTE: If there is no option to show the corrections in the next pay run, read our article:
    No option to show corrections in the next pay run (Opens in new tab). 
  8. Select Next.
  9. If you are happy submitting the FPS using your currently saved HMRC credentials, go to step 12.
  10. If you need to change your HMRC credentials, untick Use saved credentials?
  11. Enter your HMRC User ID and Password.
  12. Select Confirm.
     NOTE: If you haven't submitted your month 12 or Q4 EPS, the adjustment will update on the P32 and be submitted to HMRC. Please omit step 13. 
  13.  If you have submitted your month 12 or Q4 EPS, the 

     P32 will not be updated and you need to submit a Supplementary FPS.

 CIS Corrections

If you need to correct your CIS amounts, you can't do this using payroll.

You need to make corrections using HMRC Basic Tools (opens in new tab).

Get help to submit a Supplementary FPS:

Read our corrections articles:

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Steps to duplicate
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