From the list, you'll see an overview of items including: - Product code, description, stock category, rates for services, cost and sales prices
- Accounting Plus also features Quantity in stock and Reorder level
Create products and servicesFor how to create records for your products and services, see the following articles. Create new product and service records > Create new products, services or stock items. Import, export and update products and services > Import products, services and stock items from a CSV file. Manage product categories > Create categories to group similar items together.
Manage products and servicesFor how to update existing products and services, see the following articles. Edit products, services and stock > Products and services settings > Make products or services inactive > Change a non-stock item to a stock item >
Manage stock itemsFor more information about managing stock items, see the following articles. NOTE: This is a feature for Accounting Plus subscribers. Read our Manage Subscription article for more information on how to upgrade > Managing your stock > View and adjust stock levels > Opening and closing stock levels > Stock movements report > [BCB:299:UKI - Personal content block - Dane:ECB] [BCB:306:UKI - Search override - Accounting UK / IE:ECB] [BCB:276:UKI - hide back button:ECB]