Stock Movements report

 NOTE: Note: This topic describes a premium feature. If you don't have it, see Growing your business with Sage to learn more about upgrading your subscription to turn on premium features. 

The Stock Movement report helps you work out your cost of sales. There are two versions, the summary and the detailed report.

The summary report shows stock flow, quantity, and value in and out for a specified period.

The detailed report breaks down your customers' individual sales invoices for each item so you can see which customers are buying particular stock items.

You can export both reports as a CSV or PDF.


Run the report

  1. From Reporting, Select More.
  2. Under Product & Services Reports, Select Stock Movements.
  3. Select a period or use Custom to enter From and To dates for a date range.
  4. You can also filter the report by Category of stock. Learn how to set up categories.
  5. Select Calculate to see the report on the screen.
  6. To export the report, select either Export or Export Detailed and then select CSV or PDF format. The report is ready when a notification displays on the main navigation bar, to the left of Profile. Select the notification bell to open the report.

The report explained 

The Stock Movements Summary report

Item Code The code of the stock item.
Item Description The stock item’s description as it appears on your invoices.
Quantity In All stock movements ‘in’ for the specified reporting period (Goods In, Adjustments In)
Quantity Out All stock movements ‘out’ for the specified reporting period (Goods Out, Adjustments Out)
Value In The sum of the total net value in for the stock item. The cost price entered on the invoice, credit note or adjustment is multiplied by the quantity.
Value Out

The sum of the total net value out for the stock item.

Multiply the default cost price at posting by quantity on sales transaction to determine Value Out.

Note: For the report to calculate Value Out correctly, you must have a cost price on your stock item. If you change the cost price after posting the transaction, this doesn’t affect the Value Out calculation.

The Stock Movements Detailed report

Date The date of the stock movement.
Type The stock movement transaction type appears here.
Reference The Sales or Purchase Invoice reference.
Details The stock transaction details.
Quantity In All stock movements ‘in’ for the specified reporting period. (Goods In, Adjustments In)
Quantity Out All stock movements ‘out’ for the specified reporting period. (Goods Out, Adjustments Out)
Value In Calculate total net value: multiply invoice, credit note, or adjustment cost price by quantity.
Value Out The sum of the total net value out for this stock item.

Calculate Value Out: default cost price at posting time × quantity on sales transaction or adjustment out

Note: For the report to calculate Value Out correctly, you must have a cost price on your stock item. If you change the cost price after posting the transaction, this doesn’t affect the Value Out calculation.


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Steps to duplicate
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