View and adjust stock levels

 NOTE: This topic describes a premium feature. If you don't have it, see Growing your business with Sage to learn more about upgrading your subscription to turn on premium features. 

About your stock details

At the top of the stock details page we show the following information about your stock item

  • Stock levels. This is the number of items currently in stock and re-order details
  • Sales. This shows the last sales price for the item (from your most recent sales invoice) and the date it was last sold
  • Purchases. This shows you:
    • The last price you paid for the item from your most recent purchase invoice
    • The date the item was last bought
    • The average price you’ve paid for the item. This is worked out from the total price paid to date, divided by the total number of items you've bought to date

About your stock activity

Here we show you all the individual stock movements (ins and outs) for the selected stock item. We record a stock movement everytime you

  • Sell an item (include it on sales invoice)
  • Buy an item (include it on a purchase invoice)
  • Enter a stock adjustment
  • Return a bought item (include it on a purchase credit note)
  • Receive a returned sold item (include it on a sales credit note)

Details of stock movement types

Transaction type Movement type Details
Sales invoice Goods out Decreases the stock level. You can’t add a stock item to an invoice if you don’t have enough in stock.
Sales credit note Negative Goods Out Increases the stock level. If you only want to use a credit note to change the price of a stock item, and do not want to change the number in stock, then we recommend that you reverse the original invoice in full via a credit note, then raise a new invoice for the correct price.
Purchase invoice Goods In Increases the stock level. The last cost price and average cost price on the stock item are updated.
Purchase Credit Note Negative Goods In Decreases the stock level as you have returned the goods to the supplier. We also update the last cost price and average cost.
Add stock via an adjustment Adjustments In Increases the stock level. We use the cost price on the stock record multiplied by the quantity of the adjustment to work out the value of the adjustment.
Remove stock via an adjustment Adjustments Out Decreases the stock level. We use the cost price on the stock record multiplied by the quantity of the adjustment to work out the value of the adjustment.

Item Details tab

The details set on the stock item’s record. Select Edit to amend this information.

Adjust stock levels

This allows you to adjust the number of items you have in stock. This is usually used after doing stock take to make sure the your stock levels are accurate, or to write off damaged stock.

When recording stock adjustments

  • We update the number of items in stock
  • When you add stock, we use the cost price entered on the adjustment to work out value of the adjustment
  • When you remove stock, we use the cost price on the stock record multiplied by the quantity of the adjustment to work out the value of the adjustment
  • To edit an adjustment for an Inactive stock item, make the item Active first

Enter a stock adjustment

  1. From the Products & Services tab, select the stock item you want to enter an adjustment for.
  2. Select Adjust Stock Level, then complete the required information.
    • Date - enter the date
      The date cannot be before your Year End Lockdown date and must be after your Accounts Start Date.
    • Type - Choose whether to Increase quantity or Decrease quantity
    • Cost Price - If you are adding stock, you must enter the cost price here. We show the cost price set of the stock record by default
    • Quantity in Stock - shows you the current quantity in stock
    • Increase by / Decrease by - enter the amount to increase or decrease the stock quantity by. For example, if you have 10 in stock, and want to adjust this to 15, then Increase by 5
      You cannot decrease the quantity if this makes the stock quantity negative. For example, if you have 5 in stock and try to decrease the quantity by 6.
    • Reason- Choose one of the options. To enter your own reason, choose Other and enter the text (up to 50 characters)
  3. Select Save.

This automatically increases or decreases the quantity in stock. It also creates an Adjustment In or Adjustment Out transaction on the stock record.

Edit a stock adjustment

  1. From the Products & Services tab, select the relevant stock item.
  2. Select the Adjustment In transaction you want to edit and adjust the stock as required.
  3. Select Save.

Delete a stock adjustment

Delete a stock adjustment at any time. When you delete an adjustment in, we update your stock levels and the average cost price.

You cannot delete an adjustment in if this results in negative stock.

  1. From the Products & Services
  2. Select the check box next to each Adjustment In/Out transaction you want to delete.
  3. Select the Delete button , then Yes when prompted.
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