This message states that the employee is waiting to be approved in Sage 50 Payroll, referring to the Import Employee Data section within Sage 50 Payroll. This is where you import the Starters information sent across from Sage HR Online Services. Let's check if that's been done already.
Check if the employee has already been imported to Sage 50 Payroll - In Sage 50 Payroll, click Online Services.
- Under Tasks click Import Employee Data.
- Click Starters to Import.
 Does the relevant employee show in this list?YesThe employee with the 'The employee is waiting to be approved in Sage 50 Payroll' message in Sage HR, if they show in this 'Starters to Import' list. complete the steps in our guide for importing a starter record into Sage 50 Payroll.
No / There are no employees to importIf you don't see the relevant employee listed, this may indicate that you've already imported the starter record into Sage 50 Payroll. Confirm this by searching for the employee record in Sage 50 Payroll. Employee record exists in Sage 50 Payroll > If you find the employee: - Open their employee record.
- In the analysis tab, make sure the email address matches their email address in Sage HR Online Services.
- Once email addresses are definitely matching, upload the employee's payslips. This links together the Sage 50 Payroll employee record and the Sage HR Online Services employee profile.
The employee's payslips now show in Sage HR Online Services with their record now linked to Sage 50 Payroll. 'Missing payroll information' and 'The employee is waiting to be approved in Sage 50 Payroll' messages no longer show for the employee in Sage HR Online Services. Employee profile not show as linked or have any payslips showing? If you still get the message 'We can't find [employee name] in Sage 50 Payroll' after uploading their payslips from Sage 50 Payroll, even though you have the employee in both Sage HR Online Services and Sage 50 Payroll with the same email address, try the following steps: - Terminate the employee in Sage HR Online Services.
- Deleted the terminated employee in Sage HR Online Services.
- Go to Sage 50 Payroll and add the employee to Sage HR by uploading payslips.
The employee is now automatically created, which is linked to their profile, and you can see their uploaded payslips. TIP: If you use additional Sage HR modules, you can finish setting the employee up again for those modules, such as assigning them an employment status, a team, time off policies, etc. If you continue to experience issues trying to link or add employee profiles please contact Sage 50 Payroll support.
What do I do if I sent request form by mistake?If you sent the starter information to Sage 50 Payroll by accident, and they don't need to be in payroll (e.g. you're just creating an admin-only user), you won't be able to dismiss this message. You have two options: - Terminate the employee.
- Delete the employee.
- Manually add the employee again.
Make sure to click Skip for now, I'll fill out this information later.
 - Once the employee is created, go to their profile.
- Select This employee doesn't need to be in Sage 50coud Payroll, then click Save
 The employee no longer has any messages indicating it has 'Missing payroll information'.