These steps are for when the user needs to be in payroll and have payslips uploaded to their Sage HR profile.
This message disappears once they've been created in Sage 50 Payroll, and you upload their payslips to link their HR and Payroll records together.
Follow the steps below.
Step 1 - Create an employee record in Sage 50 Payroll
If you haven't already, you need to create the employee in Sage 50 Payroll. You can either send the employee record from Sage HR Online Services, or manually create the employee record.
NOTE: If the employee already exists in Sage 50 Payroll, skip to Step 2.
Send employee record to Sage 50 Payroll
Click Send employee record to Payrolll, complete the starter form, then click Save.
You can then go into Sage 50 Payroll and complete the process to automatically create an employee record there.
Manually create employee record in Sage 50 Payroll
Make sure to create the employee with the same email address used in Sage HR. If you enter an incorrect or different email in payroll, this creates a new duplicate employee record in Sage HR when you upload their payslips.
Step 2 - Upload payslips to link employee records
A Sage 50 Payroll record isn't linked to their Sage HR record until the first time you upload their payslips. This could either be when you upload their next payslip for the next pay period, or you can upload historical payslips if they have any.
Once uploaded, as long as their email addresses in Sage HR and Sage 50 Payroll match, their profiles link, and the message on their profile disappears. The employee can also now view their payslips.
Employee profile not show as linked or have any payslips showing?
If you still get the message 'We can't find [employee name] in Sage 50 Payroll' even though you have the employee in both Sage HR and Sage 50 Payroll with the same email address, and you have uploaded their payslips, try the following steps:
- Terminate the employee in Sage HR.
- Deleted the terminated employee in Sage HR.
- Go to Sage 50 Payroll and add the employee via uploading payslips.
The employee is now automatically created in Sage HR, which is linked to their profile, and you can see their uploaded payslips.
TIP: If you use additional Sage HR modules, you can finish setting the employee up again for those modules, such as assigning them an employment status, a team, time off policies, etc.
If you continue to experience issues trying to link or add employee profiles please contact Sage 50 Payroll support.