Generate customer statements

Statements are a great way to let your customers know their transaction history with you over a period of time, and remind them of any outstanding balances.

You can easily create statements for your customers at any time using the Customers module. Let's take a look at how to do this.


Create customer statements

  1. Click Customers and select the customers you want to create statements for.
    TIP: If you can't select multiple customers at the same time, follow the steps in our Selecting multiple records guide to enable this feature.
  2. From the right-hand end of the toolbar, click Statements.

  3. Click Layouts, then select the statement layout you want to use. Please note - Select an "All items" layout to print statements for customers who don't currently owe you anything.
    TIP: To make sure you choose the right statement and avoid any error messages, take a look at our handy help guide on selecting the right layout for you. 
  4. Choose the method you would like to use to generate the statement:

    • Preview- Displays the statement on screen
    • Print - Prints a copy of the statement
    • Save to file - You can save your reports and layouts as a file on your computer to access later
    • Microsoft Excel - You can send data to compatible versions of Excel from many of the Sage Accounts windows, just look for the Send to Excel buttons
    • Email - Send documents by email through Microsoft Outlook or webmail

      If you'd like to know more information about any of the above, you can view our help guide.  Find out more in our help guide >

Next steps

Congratulations you've run your statements!

For further information on statements, why not take a look at the below topics?

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Steps to duplicate
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