P32 employer payment record in Sage Payroll.
The P32 Employer Payment Record shows a breakdown of your total liability due to HMRC for the period. We recommend that you print the P32 Employer Payment Record at the end of each tax reporting period. There is no facility for running the P32 as a summary report for the whole tax year. Payroll lets you know if you need to Submit an Employer Payment Summary (EPS). You will see the EPS status on the Payroll summary page.
NOTE: The EPS informs HMRC of your Employment Allowance deductions. It also reclaims any statutory payments you have made (SMP, SPP etc). You may find your P32 liability differs from your liability at HMRC. In this scenario, ensure you submit any outstanding EPS's.
Your tax reporting period ends when every pay run for each pay calendar in the period is complete. Submit all outstanding full payment submissions (FPS) to HMRC.
TIP: The EPS option isn’t available if there are outstanding FPS submissions. Learn more about submitting your FPS.
- Complete the final pay run in the tax reporting period.
The Completed Pay Run window appears. - Under HMRC Real Time Information (RTI) Scheme, find the EPS payment section.
- select Actions.

- Select View P32.
- Using your browser options, Print or Save the report.
Google Chrome Save and Print options:

Microsoft Edge Browser Print and Save options:

There may be times when you need to reprint the report for a previous tax month or quarter.
You can get a P32 from a previous tax year if you need to. Select the relevant period as far back as you need.
If you have made a correction to a completed payroll, your P32 will show values in another column of figures. The column is 'Corrections from earlier reporting periods'.
Changes made to a completed pay period could mean a difference in HMRC liabilities.
This can include:
- Employee and employer NIC
- Statutory payments
- Student loans
- Attachments of Earnings Orders

The figures show the difference between the edited values and the original values.
The report does not show in which period the figures come from.
If you have edited more than one pay period, the figures reflect the total value of the changes.
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