Is my bank account compatible with the bank feeds service?
To check if your bank or credit card account is compatible with the bank feeds service, follow the steps on this help guide. >
How often do Bank Feeds update?
Our provider connects with your bank daily to collect any new transactions once you're connected.
Every time you log in or open the bank feed screen, Sage reaches out to the provider to get any transactions.
Bank feeds don't offer a live look of your bank account; they only show new transactions since the last update request.
Does activating bank feeds compromise the terms and conditions of my online banking service?
We recommend that you confirm this with your online banking service provider.
What is multi-factor authentication?
Multi-factor authentication adds extra security when logging into online banking by asking for additional details like a code, PIN, or passcode.
I'm an accountant, can I use bank feeds on my client's behalf?
As an accountant, you can manage bank feeds for your clients once they connect their accounts.
Why should I allow cookies?
Some websites don’t work as expected unless you accept cookies. For example, you may have trouble logging in or using websites without cookies allowed.
Can I turn off bank feeds?
Yes, you can stop using bank feeds anytime by disconnecting. This guide shows you how. >
What should I do if I open a new bank account?
Disconnect the old bank feed following these steps. >
Then setup a new bank feed using your new online banking details. This guide shows you how. >
Can I control another user's access to bank feeds?
If you're the owner of the account, you can restrict access to the bank within user settings.
How can I check if my feed is working?
Any known problems can be found on the bank feed status page. If no transactions have downloaded for more than 3 days, get in touch. >
What should I do if I have a bank feed with more than one VAT rate?
For transactions with multiple VAT rates, use the split function to apply different rates. More information can be found on this help guide. >
Can I import a bank statement from an earlier period if I've set up bank feeds?
If you need transactions older than 90 days, disconnect your bank feed, import your statement, then reconnect again. Find out how to import your statement here. >
I can't find the nominal account I need when I'm creating a transaction from a bank feed
To find a nominal code, start typing its name to narrow down the list.
If you still can't find it, go to your Chart of Accounts and review the visibility section for the nominal codeyou want to use.
Why doesn't a transaction I've entered appear in bank feeds?
When you download your bank feeds, if the transaction already exists, you’re prompted to match it.
If you have entered it but it doesnot appear in your bank feed, check if the transaction is entered for the right bank account, and review your bank statement to make sure.