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Bank feeds FAQ

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The most common questions and answers relating to bank feeds in Sage Accounting.


How can I check if my bank account works with bank feeds?

We support most major banks. Find out how to Check if your bank supports bank feeds.

What steps should I follow to process bank feed transactions?

Follow our Processing bank feeds article to find out more.

How often do Bank Feeds update transactions?

Our provider connects with your bank daily to collect any new transactions once you're connected.

Bank feeds don't offer a live view of your bank account; they only show transactions from the latest update.

Find out what to do if your Bank feed is not updating.

 NOTE: If your bank feed is only one day behind, this is normal and expected behaviour. 

Will activating bank feeds affect my online banking terms?

We recommend that you confirm this with your online banking service provider.

How does multi-factor authentication work for online banking?

Multi-factor authentication makes online banking safer by asking for extra details like a code or PIN.

Can accountants use bank feeds for their clients?

As an accountant, you can manage bank feeds for your clients once they connect their accounts.

Why is allowing cookies important for websites?

Allowing cookies helps websites remember your preferences, keep you logged in, and provide a smoother, more personalised experience.

How can I disable bank feeds if I no longer need them?

You can stop using bank feeds anytime by disconnecting. Find out how to Disconnect a bank feed.

How do I set up bank feeds for a new account?

Disconnect the old bank feed, then set up a new bank feed using your new online banking details.

How can I manage other users' access to bank feeds?

If you're the owner of the account, you can restrict access to the bank within user settings. 

How can I check if my feed is working correctly?

We update the bank feed status page with any known problems. If no transactions download for more than 3 days, get in touch.

How can I handle multiple VAT rates in a bank feed?

For transactions with multiple VAT rates, use the split function to apply different rates.

For more information, read our article Create bank transactions from bank feeds or an imported file.

Is it possible to import older bank statements with bank feeds enabled?

If you need transactions older than 90 days, disconnect your bank feed, import your statement, then reconnect again. How to import your statement.

What can I do if I can't find the nominal account I need?

To find a nominal code, start typing its name to narrow down the list. 

If you still can't find it, review the visibility of the nominal in the Chart of Accounts. 

Why are some transactions missing from my bank feeds?

Confirm you haven't already processed the transaction. Make sure the transactions show on your bank statement.

How do I process a refund?

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