How to set up Pensions Data Exchange for The People's Pension in Sage 50 Payroll.
With the Pensions Module, you can send your pension data to The People's Pension (TPP) in a few easy clicks.
Let's run through the setup now.
There are two stages of setup to run through to get up and running, click the options below for detailed steps.
- Open Sage 50 Payroll and Backup your data >
- On the navigation bar click Company then click Pensions Module Settings.
- Click Set up Pension Data Exchange.
NOTE: If this button isn't there, please contact Sage support to activate Pensions Data Exchange.
- Click Next, then next to step one, click Do it now.
- Enter your Sage account login details. It's a good idea to make a note of the email address you use for future reference.
TIP: If you don't have a log in, follow our guide what is a Sage account and how to sign up. Or, if you can't remember your password, click Forgot your password?
- Select the company that you want to set up and then click Confirm.
- Click the Manage pension accounts tab, then click The People's Pension.
- If you prefer, change the default description, The People's Pension account 1, to a description of your choice.
- Enter your TPP account number. If you aren't certain of this, contact TPP.
NOTE: If you edit these details after the setup process, the Early Adopter Code field appears. It already includes the correct code, 81726, and you can ignore this field.
- Click Save.
- Enter your log in details for TPP online services then click Close. This can take a few minutes while the Pensions Data Exchange connects to your TPP account.
- Click Please assign a company.
- If you've previously sent pension data to TPP for this scheme, enter the process date of the last successful submission.
- Select the company to assign to the pension scheme then click OK.
- Close the Management Centre using the cross in the top right-hand corner.
- Select the Done check box to mark this step as complete.
- Next to step two, click Do it now.
- Enter your Sage account login details.
- In the Schemes to match from the Management Centre section, select the required scheme.
- In the Schemes in your payroll software section, click the relevant scheme.
- Click Match Scheme.
- Click Next then click Save.
- To take a backup of your data, click Yes then follow the on-screen prompts.
- Click Finish.
- Select the Done check box to mark this step as complete.
- Click Next.
You're now set up and ready to use Pensions Data Exchange to submit and receive pension information to TPP. For guides on each of these processes, click the links below:
- How do I send pension data to The People's Pension using Pension Data Exchange? >
- How do I import updates from my pension provider? >
TIP: Find out more about setting up and processing pensions in our dedicated Workplace Pensions Hub.