Send pension data to The Peoples Pension using Pension Data Exchange

Once you've set up Pensions Data Exchange it's easy to submit your pension data to your The People's Pension online account. Let's run through the steps now.


The People's Pension portal only accepts one submission per pay run. Before you send your pension data, check that you've updated records for all employees being paid in the period you're sending the data for.

When you're ready to send your data, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Payroll, then click Send Pension Data.
  2. Send Pension Data opens on the To Send tab, check that all employees have the correct Group assigned.
  3. Check the values are correct, then click Submit.
  4. The Awaiting Confirmation tab appears, you can click this tab to check the status of your submission.
  5. You can click Close while your submission goes through and use other areas of your software.
  6. To check back on the status of your submission, click Payroll then Send Pension Data at any time.
    TIP: When a submission is completed, your software automatically moves it into the History tab.

Send Pension Data tabs

When you open Send Pension Data you may see up to four tabs, depending on the status of your submissions.

Click the options below to learn more about each tab. 

[BCB:257:UKI - Personal content block - John:ECB]
Steps to duplicate
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