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Create a purchase order

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How to create a purchase order (POP) in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.


In Sage 50 Accounts Professional, you can produce purchase orders for your products and services.

If you've already created your purchase order, you can update it to create a purchase invoice.

NOTE: The Purchase Orders module is only available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional. If you're interested in upgrading to Professional, leave your details and we'll be in touch.


  1. On the navigation bar, go to Purchase orders then select New.
     TIP:  You can also create a New order from within the Orders tab in a Supplier Record. 
  3. In the Products Code column, click the drop-down to select a product.

    To edit product details in each item line, click the Finder button in the Description column or press F3.

  4. ▼ Complete the Order, Footer and Deliveries tabs as required.

    TIP: See our purchase order record details article for more information.


    Enter the delivery address and contact information for the supplier if needed. Some information updates automatically from the Supplier Record. You can enter or amend any entries here, but changes only apply to this order.

    See our 

    Goods Despatched Notes and Goods Received Notes article for more information.


    Enter carriage costs and settlement terms here. Some information updates automatically from the Supplier Record. The Default carriage nominal code and net amount in the Invoice and Order Defaults option appear here.


    View order status and GRN details here. Recording a delivery using the GRN option updates this section with delivery information. This allows you to trace receipts and view or print goods received notes.


  5. More options:
    • Use the Complete option to update and deliver stock, create a goods received note and print the order automatically
    • Set up recurring orders using the memorise option 
  6. Click Save.

Once you receive your deliveries, you can mark stock as delivered in your software.

TIP: You can create a custom alert to appear when you select a specific supplier or product.