Goods Despatched Notes and Goods Received Notes

You can record deliveries and despatches of products using either the goods received note (GRN) or the goods despatched note (GDN) options. You can use these options to quickly and easily match product deliveries and despatches with the relevant orders, update the product's in-stock levels and update the status of the order.



 TIP: If you're a UK or Ireland business trading abroad, how you deal with imports and exports may have changed now the Brexit transition period has ended. For general guidance, take a look at our Brexit Support Hub > 

You can record the receipt and despatch of products against more than one order.

 EXAMPLE: You may receive a delivery from your supplier that relates to several purchase orders. The GRN option allows you to mark all or selected orders as delivered, creating a GRN number which links to the relevant purchase orders, reducing input time.

Below are some useful articles regarding Goods Despatched Notes and Goods Received Notes.

Set up the GDN and GRN defaults - Read more >

Create a Goods Despatched Note (GDN) - Read more >

View or print a Goods Despatched Note (GDN) - Read more >

Create a Goods Received Note - Read more >

View or print a goods received note - Read more >

Reverse an incorrectly delivered order - Read more >

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