Process your payroll year end

The year end process consits of three easy steps. This article will take you through everything you need to complete these.


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1. Review your employees’ pay values

Before you submit your return to HMRC, you must make sure your employees’ taxable pay is correct. You can do this by using the P11 reports. For an overview on how to generate this, use the dropdown below, or for more detailed steps, read Review your employees' P11 values.

2. Submit the final EPS

At the end of the tax year, you must submit a final employer payment summary (EPS) to HMRC. This final submission is different from the usual EPS you send throughout the year.

It includes your end of year declarations and If applicable, you can also send the date your business ceased trading.

3. Produce your employees’ P60s

You must produce a P60 for every employee who is still working for you on 5 April 2025. If they leave before this date, you must generate a P45 instead.

You must then give your employees their P60s by 31 May 2025.

▼What information is on a P60

The P60 shows your employee’s total pay and deductions, including:

  • Their final tax code for the tax year
  • Their total pension income for the year, if applicable
  • The total amount of tax they paid during the year
  • Their total national insurance contributions for the year

There are three ways to create the P60's

  1. Publish to HR Essentials.
  2. Export and email.
  3. Print.

 NOTE: Check your business address is up to date to make sure the information on the P60 is correct. To change your business address, go to Manage Business Account, then Business Details.

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