Keep in Touch (KIT) day

An employee can work for up to ten KIT days. They use KIT days during their maternity, adoption or additional paternity leave. They won't lose any of their maternity, adoption or additional paternity pay.

What is a KIT day?

KIT days are to help employees keep in touch with their workplace and allow them to do some work. For example, an employee on maternity leave may choose to attend work for a training course. They may want to keep in touch with their workplace. It is usual to pay the employee for any hours they work.

  • To process the KIT pay, create a new payment and change the name to make it clear to the employee.

You can also use KIT days to help ease an employee’s eventual return to work.

What if an employee takes more than ten KIT days?

Once they use ten KIT days they can no longer work while claiming maternity or adoption pay. For any week or part week worked, they lose a whole week of their maternity or adoption pay.

For example:

An employee works two days in the same week. They lose one whole week’s maternity or adoption pay. If they were to work two days, but in two different weeks, they’d lose two week’s maternity or adoption pay.

 TIP: Even a few hours worked in a day, counts as one whole KIT day. 

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To record a KIT day

  1. Process the pay run as normal until the Record Absences stage.
  2. Select the employee you want to record KIT days for.
  3. Select Add Keep-in-touch day.

This option appears for any employees on maternity, adoption or additional paternity leave.

  1. Enter the start and end date of KIT days.
  2. Select Save.
  3. Complete the pay run as normal.

You can find further information from HMRC.

Steps to duplicate
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