I can't log in to my online portal - Sage Employee Online Services

 NOTE: These steps are for Sage Employee Online Services, which is accessed via www.sagepayrollservices.co.uk. If you're trying to log in to Sage HR Online Services, please use our alternative guide. 

If you can't log in to Sage Employee Online Services, it will be because of one of the following reasons:

  • You haven't set up your access from your welcome email
  • You're using the wrong email address
  • You're entering an incorrect password
  • Your profile has been deleted by an admin user
  • Your access to Sage Employee Online Services has been removed by an admin user
  • You need to clear your Internet browser's cookies and cache folder 
  • You're trying to log in on the Sage HR app instead of www.sagepayrollservices.co.uk

Run through the checks outlined below to establish why you can't log in. This will then help you know what to do to resolve your login issue.

 NOTE: If you need to contact someone about your login issue, contact your employer. Only they have access to resolve login issues for you and only they contact Sage 50 Payroll support if required. 

 TIP: If you're logging in via an Internet browser, for example, Google Chrome, your login issue may be resolved by clearing your browser's cookies and cache. If you still can't log in after doing this, please continue with the steps below.

1. Are you logging in at the right website?

Make sure you're going to www.sagepayrollservices.co.uk to log in.

 NOTE: You can't access Sage Employee Online Services companies on the Sage HR app. This is only for companies that use Sage HR Online Services, which is a different payslips portal. 

2. Have you logged in to this company before?

You won't be able to log in unless you've set up your access and created a login from your welcome email. The easiest way to determine whether this has been done is to confirm whether you have logged in before.

Have you successfully logged in to this company on Sage Employee Online Services before using the email address you're entering? Click your answer below.

3. Checks to make with your employer

There are some checks you need to make which require confirmation from the employer you can't access on Sage Employee Online Services. Please contact them directly and check all of the following: 

Confirm the email address you're entering matches the one your employer has set you up with. It's possible they used an alternate email address, or entered your email address incorrectly when they set you up e.g. a spelling mistake or missing character.

If you've been set up with the wrong email address, or you have a new email address you want to log in with instead, please inform your employer so they can change this for you.


Confirm your profile hasn't been deleted by an admin.

If they've deleted you, this needs to be resolved by them. If you require previous payslips, they can provide you with these in an alternative way using their payroll software.


Confirm your login access hasn't been removed by an admin.

If your access has been removed, you need to wait for them to enable it again.


Once you've confirmed each of the checks above with your employer if you still can't log in, continue to the Further troubleshooting Section below.

Further troubleshooting steps

Please make the checks below if you still can't log in. Try to log in after each check has been done.

Issue still persisting?

If you've made all these checks above, and still can't log in, please contact your employer so they can investigate this and for them to contact Sage support if required. Sage Employee Online Services is managed by your employer and Data Protection regulations don't permit us to further assist employee users directly.

[BCB:260:UKI - Personal content block - Oli:ECB] [BCB:247:UKI - Remove disabled checkbox:ECB]

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