How to post a customer invoice transaction

This is a simple way to record a sale if you don't need to print the invoice or update stock. Let's do it now.

TIP: If you'd prefer to print your customer invoice, read our Print an invoice or credit note guide.


Watch the video

This video shows how to post a customer batch invoice, Use this guide to post a supplier invoice transaction

[BCB:346:SageU - Batch Invoices:ECB]

 How to:

  1. Click Customers then click Batch invoice.
  2.  Enter your invoice details as required.

    To split an invoice across different nominal codes or tax codes, enter separate lines.

    If a line shares the same account, date and reference, they are grouped together. If you want to separate the lines for recording payments, use different references.

    If you enter an invoice that appears to be a duplicate, an alert appears. Find out more in our Check for duplicates as you enter batch transactions guide.

  3. You can record any payments you've already received against batch invoices.
     NOTE: If you use Foreign Trader you can only record payments against base currency transactions in this way.  

    Amount paid Enter the amount paid. Alternatively, you can enter part payments if required.
    Pay Date Enter the date of receipt.
    Bank A/C Your default bank account appears. If you need to change this, click the arrow then double-click the required bank account.
    Pay Ref Enter a reference for the payment.
  4. Check your batch totals are correct, click Save then click Close.
[BCB:180:Andy Footer:ECB]
[BCB:111:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Invoicing and Credits:ECB]
Steps to duplicate
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