Common questions in the new year

Correcting mistakes

If you notice a mistake in a previous pay period, you can easily correct this using the Restore or Rollback options.

  • If you need to correct a mistake on all employees, you can restore a backup
  • If you forgot to take a backup or you no longer have access to the backup, Rollback is the best option

To help you reprocess your payroll, we have a reprocessing checklist available for you.

Remove the Christmas bonus payment

If you paid a Christmas bonus payment, you can remove it from the payslip by changing the value of the payment to £0.00. Alternatively, you can change the status of the payment to not in use in the employee's record.

Process statutory sick pay

During winter, it’s likely that you’ll have someone off sick at some point. You can easily record the sickness period and pay statutory sick pay. 

Set up holiday schemes

You can set up your holiday scheme and record your employees’ holidays and track their entitlement. 

Advanced pay for too many periods?

If the payments were incorrect in the periods that you’ve advanced, you can correct this by using the Restore or Rollback options.

After you’ve updated the period with the correct number of advanced periods, you need to let HMRC know that your liabilities have changed via a full payment submission adjustment.