Set up defaults for Goods Despatched Notes and Goods Received Notes

Before you create a Goods Despatched Note (GDN) and Goods Received Note (GRN), you may want to take time to look at your defaults for them, and change them where relevant. Below are the steps on where these defaults are and how to change them if necessary.


 NOTE: Although there are other options within the Invoice and Order Defaults area, this article only deals with the GDN and GRN options.

  1. Click Settings then click Invoice & Order Defaults.
  2. Click the Options tab and complete the window as follows:

    Invoice and Order Numbering

    Goods despatched start from

    Enter the starting number of your goods despatch notes.

     NOTE: This option is only available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.

    Goods received start from

    Enter the starting number of your goods received notes.

     NOTE: This option is only available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.


    GDN & GRN Options Goods Despatch Notes

    From the drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
    Generate for all despatches - To automatically generate a goods despatch note for each despatch, choose this option.
    Prompt at each despatch - To be prompted to generate a goods despatch note each time you process a despatch, choose this option.
    Do not generate - Choose this option to automatically update the sales order and your stock levels, but do not want to produce a goods despatch note. If you choose Do not generate, the goods despatch note option does not appear on the Sales Orders window.
    Goods Received Notes

    From the drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
    Generate for all received - To automatically generate a goods received note for each delivery, choose this option.
    Prompt at each received - To be prompted to generate a goods received note each time you process a delivery, choose this option.
    Do not generate - Choose this option to automatically update the purchase order and your stock levels, but do not want to product a goods received note. If you choose Do not generate, the GRN option does not appear on the Purchase orders window.
  3. Click OK.

You have now set up your goods despatch notes and goods received notes defaults and these defaults apply to all new despatches and deliveries you create.

Next steps

Find out more about how to create a GDN in this article.

Learn about how to create a GRN in this article.

Steps to duplicate
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