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Review your employees' P11 values

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How to run the P11 report at payroll year end in Sage Payroll.


Before you submit your end of year return to HMRC, you must review your employees’ taxable pay. This is to ensure their values and the information you submit are correct. You can do this using the P11 reports. It is a detailed breakdown of pay and deductions for each pay run throughout the tax year.


The P11 is for your reference only. You don’t submit the report to HMRC. 

Each employee has two P11 reports, one for PAYE and one for National Insurance (NI).

Check that the information is correct and as expected.

If you find any mistakes, you must correct these before you continue any further. For more information, read Make changes to a completed pay run.

 TIP: You can also run the report part way through the year to review an individual employee’s total taxable pay to date.

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