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Report Criteria defaults to 31/12/2019

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How to check and resolve when the report criteria date defaults to run up to 31/12/2019 in Sage 50 Accounts.


When you run a report in Sage 50 Accounts v26.1 and below, the date criteria defaults to run up to 31/12/2019.

You can check and resolve this in a few steps, let's take a look.


As that date has now passed, you must ensure you are using the latest version of Sage 50 Accounts, which includes an extended date range criteria up to 31/12/2050.

If the dates still default to 2019 after installing v26.02, follow the steps below:

Check your version

  1. Open Sage 50 Accounts.
  2. On the menu bar click Help, then click About.
  3. In the Program Details section, check the version number.

If you're using v26.01 or below, you must upgrade to the latest version.

Date still defaults to 2019

If the date range doesn't change after you install the update, we recommend you follow the steps below:

Standard reports

Restore the reports and layouts only backups. This will refresh the default reports and layouts in your software without overwriting your data or customised documents.

Customised reports

If the issue occurs on reports or layouts that have been customised, you must follow the steps below:

  1. Select the document you want to amend, then click Edit.
  2. Click Report, then click Criteria.
  3. Select your date criteria, for example INVOICE_DATE, then click Modify.
  4. Select Preset, from the Status drop-down.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Change the date range to run up to 31/12/2050, then click OK.
  7. Select the date criteria, then click Modify.
  8. Select Enabled, from the Status drop-down.
  9. Click OK, then click OK.
  10. Click File, then click Save.
  11. Click File, then click Exit.


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