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The purchase order process

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The purchase order process in Sage 50 Accounts.


When you use the purchase order option in Sage 50 Accounts Professional, there are a number of stages to follow to complete an order. Let's run through the purchase order process.

 NOTE: You can now create a purchase order from a sales order in Sage 50 Accounts v29.2 and above.  If you're using a previous version you can upgrade to the latest version here.


NOTE: The Purchase Orders module is only available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional.

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1. Create a purchase order

The first step is to Create a purchase order record:

  • Click Purchase orders then click New

 TIP: Use special codes S1 and S2 to add non-stock items. Use our useful guide on how to Add message lines, non-stock or one -off items to an invoice or order.

2. Print a purchase order

Once created, if required you can either print and send or email your purchase order to your supplier.

  1. Click Purchase orders, click the required order and click Print.
  2. Click Layouts and select the required layout then click Print or Email.
  3. Follow the on-screen prompts as required.

 TIP: Use our handy guide to Print or email a purchase order or sales order. 

3. Place a purchase order on order

Place the purchase order on-order to see the stock ordered. Use our useful Purchase orders - Place stock on-order guide to do this.

4. Receive deliveries

When you receive your order, mark the stock as delivered. Use our handy Purchase orders - Marking stock as delivered guide to do this.

5. Print a goods received note (GRN)

When you receive deliveries View or print a Goods Received Note for your records. You can print this later if required. 

6. Update ledgers to post purchase invoices

To make the purchase invoice appear on your supplier ledger, you must now update the ledgers.

  1. Click Purchase orders and click the required purchase order then click Update ledgers.
  2. To amend the details of any items your updating click Edit, make any changes then click Save.
  3. Click Update then click Save.

Once you've updated the purchase order to the ledgers, the Posted column shows either PART, if the order is partially updated, or FULL, if the order is fully updated.  

 TIP: Use our handy guide to Create a purchase invoice from a purchase order. 

Edit purchase orders

Use our handy guide to Delete or reverse a purchase order.

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