Group analysis

Group analysis

Use this Group Analysis to add analysis types to your customer, supplier, stock, non-stock, and service records.

  1. Go to Settings, then Business settings.
  2. Select Analysis types.
  3. Locate Group analysis, which shows three options:
    • Customer Group
    • Product Group
    • Supplier Group
  4. To edit or change an analysis group, select Edit.
  5. Once finished, select Save changes.
  6. If you want to group your customers by region, customise analysis types as needed.
  7. Modify group analysis types as needed.

After setting up categories, use them to sort your reports. You can filter lists to show specific group records. Don’t forget to learn how to Allocate a Group Analysis category for maximum benefit

Use your ready-made categories to tidy up your reports. You can also adjust the lists to show only the records from a certain group. Remember to learn how to label a Group Analysis category to get the most out of this feature.

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