The detailed payroll report

When you complete a pay run, payroll generates a detailed report.

For record purposes, we recommend you save or print this report each time you process a pay run.

The report contains the following information:

  • A payslip summary for each employee
  • A summary of payments and deductions
  • A breakdown of employer costs
  • A breakdown of amounts due to HMRC
  • A breakdown of payment method totals

You can generate these pay run reports from the Reporting area.

Read our article Pay run reports (opens in new tab).


Generate the detailed report

 TIP: You get any historical detailed reports using these steps. Select the relevant historical pay run.

  1. Go to the Pay Runs tab.
  2. Select the relevant pay run from the list.
  3. Select the open the detailed report link, located above the employee list.
  4. depending on your browser, the report opens in a new window or tab.
  5. using your browser options, download or print your report.

Microsoft Edge Browser options:

Google Chrome Browser options:

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Steps to duplicate
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Read our article Pay run reports at-a-glance