Why is a leaver still showing?

A leaver might remain on the employee list even after running their final pay run. This can happen if you enter the employee’s leave date after you complete their final pay run.

This means the FPS didn’t include the leaver status. The status gets included in the next full payment submission (FPS).


To check your FPS submissions

  1. Go to Pay Runs. Select the last completed pay run.
  2. In the HMRC Real Time Information (RTI) Scheme panel, check the submission status is successful.
    If the FPS is failed, read our article Submission errors.
  3. Resolve the issue.
  4. Select Re-Submit.

If you can't resolve the issue, it may be because the leaver’s starting basis is still on their record.

To check the leaver’s starting basis

  1. Go to Employees tab. Select the leaver’s record.
  2. Go to Previous tax details at the bottom of the record. This should say This is an existing employee.
  3. If the Previous tax details show a Starting Basis: P45 or P46; remove the Finish Date and select Save.
  4. Select the employee record again. Change the Previous Tax Details to This is an existing employee. Select Save.
  5. Enter the Last working day by pressing the X next to the Employee name on the Employee list.
  6. Select Save.

You can now print their P45. The leave information submits to HMRC on the following pay run. The employee will then drop off the employee list.

If the leaver still shows on your employee list after the next successful FPS:

  • Is the Status showing as Ceased Employment? You can hide the employee using the Filter option in the top right corner of the employee list. De-selecting Include Employees who have left
  • Is the employee still showing as Leaving? Is the Leave Date in the previous tax year? If so, please send a Supplementary FPS from the Year End tab for the corresponding tax year

Is the employee still showing after submitting an FPS since the Leave Date? Please contact our support team for investigation.

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