Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) - terms

This guide is to help you understand the terminology you may come across when dealing with Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)This is a state benefit available to people of working age who aren’t able to work due to illness or disability.

An employee may be able to claim ESA if:

  • The employee isn’t eligible for SSP
  • The employee sn’t able to return to work once their 28 week entitlement to SSP is complete

For more information about ESA, please visit Employment and Support Allowance (opens in new tab)

Fit noteYour employee’s doctor supplies the fit note, or Statement of Fitness for Work. This replaces the old-style sick note. From 1 July 2022, nurses, occupational therapists, pharmacists and physiotherapists can also issue fit notes.
LELLower earnings limit for national insurance contributions. For the 2023/2024 this is £123.00 per week
Linking periodIf the employee was sick within the last 56 days, this is the linking period to the current period of sickness. In this case, the employee doesn’t have to serve the waiting days again.
Period of incapacity for work (PIW)This is the period when your employee is sick and unable to work.
Relevant periodThis is the period used to calculate the employee’s average earnings. It’s eight weeks before the first day of sickness. Sometimes called the set period.
Set periodSee Relevant period above.
SC2This is HMRC’s form SC2 – Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) Employee’s statement of sickness. It is an employees self-certification form. You can even produce your own form for the employee to complete.
SSP1SSP1 is the form you must give to an employee who is absent from work due to sickness but isn’t entitled to receive SSP.
You can complete form SSP1 online and print it.
SSP rateFor the 2023/2024 tax year the rate is £109.40
Waiting daysThe first three days of the PIW. Know as waiting days. You don’t pay SSP for these days.

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