Import bank transactions when your bank feed is not available

When to import transactions

If your bank feed isn't connected or unavailable, you can import transactions. You can import your bank statement using a CSV, QIF, or OFX file. You can usually download this from your online bank account.

If you only use bank feeds for a small number of transactions you may want to wait until your bank feed is available. Alternatively, enter your bank transactions manually.

What you need to do

  1. Download or export transactions from your online bank account as a CSV, QIF or OFX files.
  2. Import the file into Sage Accounting.
  3. Process the transactions exactly as you would from your bank feed. Your bank rules will still apply.

If your bank statement is only available in PDF format, consider using AutoEntry. Upload a PDF version of your bank statement and AutoEntry will convert it to the required CSV format. 

Read how to Import a bank statement using AutoEntry >

Tips to download the file from the bank

Every bank is different, so we cannot advise on how to find and download the required file. However, where possible, we recommend you follow these tips:

  1. Depending on your bank, this might be download or export. The format should be as CSV, QIF or OFX files.
  2. The date range you use is important. To ensure you don't duplicate transactions, note the last transaction imported from your bank feed.
  3. Where possible, choose a date range. The starting date should be the day after you downloaded the last transaction from your bank feed.
  4. Make a note of your statement end balance. You will need this when reconciling your statement.
  5. If you download a CSV file, amend the downloaded CSV file to make sure it's in the required format.
Prepare the CSV file

If you're importing using a CSV file, the import file must be in the correct format. Download a template file from the import page to help you.

For more details on how to prepare the CSV file, read our Import bank statement article >

Import your statement

  1. Go to Banking.
  2. Select Actions on the relevant bank account.
  3. Choose Import statement.
  4. Select the relevant file type. Then follow the steps to upload your bank statement file.

For detailed steps and troubleshooting advice, read our Import bank statement article >

Process your transactions

Imported transactions appear on the Incoming bank transactions screen, the same as if they are from your bank feed. To help you identify which ones you've imported from a file, they will have a label of Statement Import.

Process your imported transactions exactly as if they had come from your bank feed.

Bank rules will continue to apply.

When your bank feed becomes available

Once your bank feed is available, you'll need to authenticate with your bank. Make sure you have your online bank account credentials handy. Some banks may also send a code to your mobile phone or via email for additional authorisation.

For steps on how to connect to your bank feed read the relevant article below:

Connect Sage Accounting to your bank (UK) >

Connect Sage Accounting to your bank (IE) >

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Steps to duplicate
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