Cleared bank transactions

Cleared bank transactions are those imported from your bank feed or statement. You'll see a tick in the Cleared column when you view your bank activity.


Using the cleared status

Mark a transaction as cleared to confirm it matches your bank statement in Accounting.

We tag imported transactions as both cleared and reconciled. This pre-selection speeds up your reconciliation process.

 NOTE: You can't assign the cleared status to a transaction manually. 

The image displays a section of a spreadsheet with financial data. There are columns for Date, Reference, Name, Category, Received, Paid, Cleared, and Reconciled

Find cleared transactions

  1. Select the relevant bank account in Banking.
  2. Scroll to the Activity tab.
  3. Amend the transaction date range if needed and click Search.
  4. Click the Cleared column heading to sort and find cleared transactions.

Edit or delete cleared transactions 

If you edit or delete a cleared transaction, it may no longer match your bank account.

Edit a cleared transaction

Editing removes both Cleared and Reconciled tags. This reminds you to check the edited transaction against your bank statement. When you reconcile next time, select the Reconciled check box.

You can't edit a transaction included on a VAT return.

  1. From Banking, select the relevant bank account.
  2. Scroll down to the Activity tab.
  3. Amend the date range of the transactions if needed and click Search.
  4. Select the transaction you want to edit.
  5. Make the required changes and Save.

The image displays a section of a spreadsheet with financial data. There are columns for Date, Reference, Name, Category, Received, Paid, Cleared, and Reconciled. The rows show different transactions with dates ranging from 02/09/2020 to 17/10/2019. Two rows are highlighted in blue: one dated 15/03/2019 for ‘Cool stuff’ under the category ‘Other Payment’ with an amount received of $52.00 and a green checkmark under Cleared; the other dated 14/04/2019 for ‘Accounting’ under the category ‘Other Receipt’ with an amount received of $9.45 and a green checkmark under Cleared

Delete a cleared transaction

You can't delete a transaction included in a VAT return.

  1. From Banking, select the relevant bank account.
  2. Scroll down to the Activity tab.
  3. Amend the date range of the transactions if needed and click Search.
  4. Select the check box to the left of the transaction you want to delete.
  5. On the toolbar, select the Delete  icon and confirm.

Difference between cleared and reconciled

Bank feed or statement imports provide cleared transactions. These transactions appear on your bank statement, affect your bank balance, and are ready for reconciliation.

Entering a bank transaction using receipt or payment options doesn't mark it as cleared. Ensure it matches your bank statement.

 Reconciled transactions match with your bank account during reconciliation. After reconciling, you have limited options for editing or deleting them.

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