The Product & Service Sales Revenue report

Run the Product & Service Sales Revenue report insights on your sales revenue. Monthly reports are a great way to keep an eye on how your business is performing.

The report shows the:

  • Item type (stock, non-stock or service)
  • Quantity or hours sold
  • Net amount
  • Cost amount
  • Profit amount
  • Profit percentage

Profit = Sales Price minus Cost Price

Profit (%) = profit value divided by the Sales Price X 100


Before you start — To ensure accurate profit calculations

For an accurate sales revenue report, it's important to have the correct item cost and sales prices set up in Accounting.

Profit calculates based on an item's cost and sales price at the time you created the invoice or credit note. If you change your prices after creating a customer invoice, you won't see the change in the profit calculations. These won't change until you create your next invoice.

Learn how to enter cost and sales prices for your items >

Run the report

  1. From Reports, select Sales Revenue – Products & Services.
  2. Create a period date range by selecting one of the period options from the drop-down. Or use Custom to enter From and To dates.
  3. You can also filter the report by Type or Category of stock. Learn how to set up categories.
  4. Select Calculate to see the report on the screen.
  5. To export the report select either Export or Export Detailed and then select CSV or PDF format. The report is ready when a notification displays on the main navigation bar, to the left of Profile. Select the notification bell to open the report.

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