Save your invoice

Once you're happy with the details you've entered for your invoice, you can save it, then email or print it.


What happens when I save my invoice?

  • We create the invoice and display it on your screen
  • The invoice uses the next invoice number in the sequence. For example, if the last invoice you saved was number 1001, the next one you save becomes number 1002, and so on
  • The timeline on the invoice appears. We update this when you email the invoice to your customer, your customer opens the invoice, and when you mark the invoice as paid
  • The invoice appears in your Sales Invoices list
  • The customer's activity and balance due update
  • Your ledger accounts update. This includes your:
    Trade Debtors - this shows how much you're owed overall by all of your customers
    Sales - this shows the net value of sales for the ledger account you selected on the invoice
    VAT on Sales - if you're VAT registered and the invoice included VAT, the amount of VAT due on all sales invoices
  • If you use Stock and the invoice contains stock items, your stock levels update. Whenever you record a sales invoice that includes a stock item, we record a 'Goods out' transaction. We automatically reduce your stock levels for this item. So that you can't sell something that's out of stock, we won't let you save an invoice when your stock levels are too low. In this case, you can either save the invoice as a draft until you've bought some more. Or manually adjust your stock levels to change the number of items you have in stock
  • Payment options become available on the invoice
  • You can print or email the invoice to send it to your customer

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[BCB:306:UKI - Search override - Accounting UK / IE:ECB]

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