Sage 200 Standard/ Sage for Education: How to access data after cancellation

Once access to the solution has been removed you will no longer be able to obtain a copy of your data/ associated files, we encourage you to take a copy ahead of the cancellation date. You can see how to do this here

You can find out more detail on cancellations here.

If your cancellation date/ end of service date has passed this article tells you how you may be able to obtain a copy of your data.


Once your site has been deleted, you will no longer have access to your site and your data. However, Sage will retain your data securely for an additional 60 days following the date on which your contract comes to an end/ end of service data, at which point it will be deleted - please refer to your licence agreement with Sage for further details.

Should you need to obtain a copy of your data during this 60 day period, you can do so by completing and submitting this form.

NOTE: Requests must be submitted to Sage no later than 53 days following deletion date (excluding weekends & bank holidays). Due to the automated nature of site maintenance, we cannot guarantee requests after this date can be fulfilled.

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