Show | From the drop-down list, choose if you want to show the following: - All - All outstanding transactions appear
- Due - Transactions with a date on or after the payment due date appear
- Date Range - Outstanding transactions within the dates in the From and To boxes appear
List Invoice/Credit by item line | Select this to list the invoices by each item line rather than a grouped transaction. For VAT Cash accounting, apportion receipts across each item line on multi-line invoices. This ensures the VAT values are accurate. |
No. | Displays the transaction number for that transaction line. |
Type | Indicates the type of transaction: - SA - Sales payment on account
- SI - Sales invoice
- SC - Sales credit
- SP - Sales payment
A/C | Displays the Customer account reference for that transaction line. |
Date | Displays the transaction date for that transaction line. |
Due on | The due date of any transaction for that transaction line. |
Ref | Displays the reference for that transaction line. |
Ex.Ref | Displays the Ex Ref for that transaction line. |
Department | Displays the department for that transaction line. NOTE: Departments are available in Sage 50 Accounts Standard and above. |
Details | Displays the details for that transaction line. |
T/C | Displays the tax code for that transaction line. This shows as n/a if the List Invoice/Credit by item line checkbox is clear. |
Amount | Displays the gross amount for that transaction line. |
Disputed? | Shows d if the invoice has a Dispute flag. NOTE: The Dispute option is available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional. |
Country of VAT | Select the country the product is to ship to. |
Report Type | Select one of the following for One Stop Shop (OSS) or Import One Stop Shop (IOSS):
- Union OSS - Use if you're in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland and trading with an EU consumer. It's the only option available for the Republic of Ireland
- Non-Union OSS - Use this for services supplied to an EU consumer by a non-EU supplier
- IOSS - Use this for distance selling of goods up to €150 to an EU consumer by a non-EU supplier
Receipt | Enter the value the customer has paid for each transaction in the list. Alternatively, use the Pay in Full option to enter the full value of the invoice Use the Wizard option to allocate invoices and credits, and the Automatic option to pay the oldest invoices first |
Discount | If there's a discount on the invoice value, enter the value of the discount here. |
Discount inc. VAT? | This box appears when entering a discount. Select this check box to include VAT when posting a sales discount. This can be useful when posting a prompt payment discount. |
Bank charge A/C | If you're applying bank charges, this is the default account to Record bank charges. |
Cur | If you use Foreign Trader, this is the bank charge currency. NOTE: Foreign Trader is available in Sage 50 Professional. |
Bank charge | If a bank charge applies, enter it here. |
Analysis Total | This is a rolling total and updates each time you enter a value against a transaction. |