Flag supplier or customer invoice as in dispute

It's easy to set a customer or supplier invoice as in dispute until either it's paid, or the flag is removed. Let's show you how.

IMPORTANT: The Dispute option is available in Sage 50 Accounts Professional. If you'd like to upgrade your software, give us a call on 0191 479 5955, option 3 (UK) or leave your details and we'll get in touch.


Before you start

  • You can mark any invoice that isn't fully paid as in dispute
  • In the Supplier Payment, Customer Receipt and Activity windows the Disputed column shows as 'd' for all items which are in dispute
  • You can also set up your own dispute reasons and run reports on the disputed item
  • Marking an invoice as disputed does not prevent you from paying the invoice

Flag an invoice as in dispute

You can flag customer and supplier invoices as disputed within the Disputes area of each module. New to Sage 50 Accounts v28.1, you can also choose a dispute reason as you post the initial supplier invoice, saving you time.

Select each option below to find out more:

Remove the dispute flag

The dispute flag is automatically removed when the invoice is paid. You can also remove the flag within the Disputes area.

  1. Click Suppliers or Customers then click Disputes.
  2. Click A/C drop-down and click the required supplier or customer.
  3. Click the invoice you want to remove the dispute flag from then click Dispute.
  4. Click Save then click Close.

Reporting on invoices with disputes

The following reports are available to help you show what invoices have disputes.

CustomersClick Customers, click Reports then click Customer invoices.Customer Invoice DisputesCSTDISP.report
Disputed Invoices By AccountCSTDISPR.report
Disputed Invoices By ReasonCSTDISPA.report
SuppliersClick Suppliers, click Reports then click Supplier invoices.Supplier Invoice DisputesPL_INDIS.report
Disputed Invoices By AccountSPLDISPR.report
Disputed Invoices By ReasonSPLDISPA.report

[BCB:119:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Customers:ECB] 
[BCB:19:UK - Sales message :ECB]

Steps to duplicate
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