To process the calculations and information to produce the file for you claim to HMRC follow the steps below.
Access the Job Retention Scheme Module
To access the Job Retention Scheme Module, click Company, then click Job Retention Scheme. If this is greyed out, it can be because you're not logged in as the Manager login so you don't have the necessary access rights in Sage 50 Payroll. Another reason that the module is greyed out is because you have set your company as a pension PAYE scheme. This setting should only be used if your data is used to administer pensions and not to process and pay employees. To check if your company is set up as a pension PAYE scheme:
- Click Company then click Settings.
- Check if the This is a pension PAYE scheme check box is selected.
- This should only be used if your data is used to administer pensions and not to process and payroll employees. If this box is selected, the Job Retention Scheme Module will be unavailable. If you process and pay your employees in Sage 50 Payroll, do not select this check box.
- Click OK.
1. Select the pay frequency of who you're furloughing and furlough dates
Use this option to select the CJRS phase and set the furlough period >
2. Choose the employees you need to furlough
In this step you can select which employees that you need to furlough and set their employment type as variable pay, fixed pay or, if you want to enter your own value, manual.
For the purpose of your claim, only select the employees that you are furloughing for the same date range and pay frequency. If you need to claim for mixed date ranges, you should select multiple claims for each date range.
3. Select the payments to assess
Once you have selected the dates and employees that you'd like to furlough, you need to select the payments that you need to assess.
4. Select the deductions to assess
This step allows you to select the deductions that you need to assess.
5. Assess what you can claim
Use this option to assess the values that you're eligible to claim for and view the breakdown of the calculation. Read more >
6. Send notification letters to your employees
You can send notification letters to your employees that are being furloughed. You can then use the Job Retention Scheme Module to keep track of when you sent the notification letters to your employees. Find out more >
7. Export to HMRC
Use this step to produce the reclaim file which you can upload to HMRC to process the claim.
If you're furloughing more than 16 employees, you can upload the reclaim file produced by the module, into the HMRC portal.
If you're furloughing 15 or less employees, the information will need to be input manually on HMRC's portal, using the reclaim file from the module.
Find out how to export the information for your claim to HMRC >
[BCB:69:JSS - disclaimer:ECB]
[BCB:141:Limitless - 50 Payroll - Statutory Payments:ECB]