Set up shared parental pay (ShPP) for a mother or adopter

Shared parental leave (SPL) is an entitlement that lets parents share leave after the birth of a baby or adoption.

If the employee or their partner ends their maternity or adoption pay early, they can take the remaining leave as SPL. Qualifying employees can also receive shared parental pay (ShPP). Follow this guide to set this up.

The employee can take all the leave themselves, or share it. If they share it, they can also take leave at the same time as their partner. They must take SPL before the baby’s first birthday, or within one year of adoption. For more information about SPL and ShPP, visit

 NOTE:  Only process SPL once SMP ends, then the mother and partner can share any remaining weeks.

 TIP: If you employ the partner of the mother or adopter, they may be able to get SPL and ShPP. Find out more in our handy Set up and process shared parental pay (ShPP) for a partner guide.

Before you set up

Before you set up ShPP, you need to:

TIP: For ShPP to calculate, you must enter an actual born on date.

Set up ShPP

To help ensure your employee provides all the details you need, ACAS have created templates that parents can use.

  1. Double-click the relevant employee.
  2. Click the Absence tab.
  3. Click S.M.P or S.A.P. as required.
  4. Check you've entered the correct details, including:
    • For SMP, the Actually Born On date
    • For SAP, the Actual Date of Placement date 
  5. On the Dates tab, click Shared Parental Pay.
     NOTE: If the Shared Parental Pay button is missing, enter the employee's Returned to Work date. The SMP or SAP continues to calculate up until this date. 
  6. Enter the following information:
    Declaration to take Shared Parental Leave and PayOnce your employee has let you know they intend to take shared parental leave (SPL), select this check box.
    Number of Weeks AvailableEnter the total number of weeks available for SPL as shown on the declaration you received from your employee.
    Number of Weeks Being TakenEnter the number of weeks the employee wants to take as SPL. This can't be more than the value entered in Number of Weeks Available.
    Number of Weeks RecordedThe number of weeks of SPL processed to date, taken from the employee's absence diary.
    Forename(s)Enter the forename/s for the employee's partner.
    SurnameEnter the surname of the employee's partner. It's mandatory to enter this, as it forms part of your next full payment submission (FPS).
    N.I. NumberEnter the national insurance (NI) number for the employee's partner.
  7. Click OK.
  8. To return to the employee record, click OK.
  9. Click OK, then click OK.
  10. Click Save, then click Close.

Record the absence

  1. Double-click the relevant employee.
  2. Click the Absence tab, then click Diary Entry.
  3. On the Absence Type list, click Other.
  4. Click Shared Parental.
  5. Enter the first and last date of the employee's absence for SPL.
  6. Enter any relevant comments.
  7. Click OK.

Check an employee's ShPP amount

  1. Select the required employee, then click Payroll.
  2. Click Enter Payments.
  3. Click the Summary tab.
  4. Check the amount of Shared Parental Pay is correct.
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