Correcting CIS transactions when using the CIS module

If you use the Sage 50 Accounts CIS v2 module, it's easy to make corrections and refunds for subcontractor payments, even after you've included them on a CIS Return submission. Let's take a look.

TIP: To check if you're using the  CIS v2 module, on the menu bar, click Help then click About. Under Features Enabled, check that CIS v2 shows Yes.  


Delete an unpaid CIS purchase invoice

  1. Click Transactions then click the purchase invoice (PI) you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete, then click Delete, then click Yes.
That's it. The invoice is either deleted, or, if you're on the Standard VAT scheme and the invoice is VAT reconciled, it's reversed with further postings.

Fully refund a CIS invoice and payment

 NOTE: Don't forget, if you make corrections that affect the monetary values on a previously submitted CIS Return, you'll also need to resubmit the return for that period.

  1. Click Subcontractors then click Batch credit.
  2. Enter a credit note for the due date, with the same nominal code, amount and tax code as the original invoice, then click Save then click Close.
  3. Click Subcontractors then click CIS Refunds.
  4. In the Supplier details box, enter the subcontractor's account reference.
  5. In the Date box, enter the original payment date. This ensures the refund uses the correct tax treatment and amends the correct CIS Return period.
  6. In the Refund column, click the box for the credit note you posted in step 2, then click Refund In Full.
  7. Click Save, then click Close.

This reverses the original CIS invoice, the purchase payment and the CIS tax purchase credit. When you resubmit your CIS Return, the reverse postings are included as negative values to remove the effect of the original paid invoice.

Delete a CIS purchase payment - Standard VAT

 NOTE: If you use the VAT Cash Accounting scheme, you can't delete a VAT reconciled payment. Don't worry, instead you can simply follow the section above to post a full refund, then repost the purchase invoice if required. To quickly check if the payment is VAT reconciled, click Transactions, find the payment and check the VAT column.

  1. Click Transactions then click the purchase payment (PP) you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete, then click Delete, then click Yes.

That's it. Both the purchase payment and any related CIS deduction purchase credit (PC) are deleted.

Edit CIS payment details

Once you've posted a CIS purchase payment, you can still go back and edit any of the following details if you need to:

  • Details
  • Department
  • Reference
  • Extra reference
  • Bank reconciled flag
  • Bank reconciled date.

These are known as non-critical fields.

  1. Click Transactions then select the purchase payment (PP) you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit, then amend the details as required.
  3. Click Save, then click Yes.

To amend other details, for example, the transaction amount or date, you must delete or refund the original transaction and repost with the correct details. These are known as critical fields.

Find out more about critical and non-critical fields >

[BCB:184:Emma Footer CB:ECB]
[BCB:103:Limitless - 50 Accounts - Construction Industry Scheme:ECB]
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