Sage 200 Report Designer - How to add an image / logo to a report or layout

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Using Sage Report Designer you can add images to your documents which then print as part of your design. By adding images such as company logos you can personalise your documents, creating a streamlined corporate image.

 NOTE: If your adding an image for the purpose of emailing the document using the email functionality within Sage 200 Report Designer then you must make sure it is not located in a Page or Report section. The image must be in a section that is unique to the document, such as the SOPORDERRETURNID header or SOPINVOICECREDITID header.

You can add an image file to a document in the following ways:

  • Embedded - When you add an embedded image to your document, if the original image is amended it does not change on the document.
  • Linked - When you add a linked image, if the original image is amended, the changes also appear on the document. Using this option you can store the image in a secure location, and quickly update or amend the image on all relevant documents.
  • Select an image from my application data (This option is not currently supported in Sage 200)
  • Build an expression to select an image

The following steps contain everything you need to help you add an image to a document.

This article assumes that you have located the report or layout that you want to amend and opened it in Sage Report Designer. Read more >

Add an image
  1. Toolbox menu > choose Add Image / Logo.

  2. Click the document where you want the image to appear.
  3. Choose an image window > select the required option as follows:

    To add an image stored on your PC or network
    1. Choose Browse my PC or network for an image > if you want to retain a link to the original image file, clear the Store the image in the report check box > OK.
    2. Locate and select your image file > click Open.

      Tip:You can select .BMP, .GIF, .JPG, .JPEG, .PNG, .ICO, .EMF and .WMF files. The selected image appears in the Preview pane.

    To enter an expression to locate the required image
    • Choose Build an expression to select an image > OK > enter the required expression > OK.

    For an example of how to use an expression to show product images on a report, please refer to this article.

    Note: The Select an image from my application data option is not applicable to Sage Accounts. To add an image stored in your Sage Accounts data, choose Build an expression to select an image.

    Tip: If required, you can resize the image or move it to a different position on the report. For information about the image properties available, please refer to the Image properties section later in this article.

You have now added an image to your document. If required you can change the image properties such as the size and make any further changes you require to the document before saving the changes.

Image properties

Note: If the Properties pane is not visible, View menu > Properties. If the pane doesn't appear, to reset the Report Designer view to its default, refer to article.

When you select an image on the report design, the image properties appear in the Properties pane and you can amend these as required. The following properties apply to an image:

Conditional Formatting Displays any conditional formatting applied to the image.
Image - embedded graphic only Displays properties of the embedded image, such as resolution and dimensions.
Filename - linked graphic only Displays the path to the graphic file and also displays the properties of the image, such as resolution and dimensions.
Expression If an expression is used to define the image files, the expression appears here.
Lock Aspect Ratio
  • True - If you alter the height of the image, the width is altered automatically and vice versa.
  • False - You can alter the width and height of the image independently of each other.
Print On First Copy Only
  • True - When more than 1 copy is printed, the image prints only on the first copy of the document.
  • False - Prints the image on all copies.
Size Method
  • Autogrow - The space allocated to the image can expand or decrease so that it fits on the report.
  • Stretch - The space allocated to the image is fixed and the image shrinks or grows to fit the fixed space.
  • Clip - The space allocated to the image is fixed and the image size stays the same. If the image is too large for the available space, parts of the image are cut off from view.
Suppress Printing
  • True - The image doesn't print.
  • False - The image prints.
Drill Down

When the report is previewed you can click the image to open the report or web page specified in the Drill Down box. The following options are available:

  • When this element is clicked open a report - Use this option to enter a fixed path to a report file or a variable or expression which points to the report file.
  • When this element is clicked open a web page - Use this option to enter a fixed web address or a variable or expression which points to the web address.
  • True - Locks the position and size of the image.
  • False - The image can be moved and resized.
  • True - The image is visible on the design window.
  • False - The image is not visible on the design window.

Note: If visible is set to False, you can still locate the image within the Report Explorer pane.

Name The name of the image. This defaults to Expr1. You can change this if required.
Dimension Shows the height and width of the image.
Linked Dimension To link the dimensions of the image to another object or section, use this option. When linked, any change to the dimensions of the section or object will also change the dimensions of the image.
Linked Dimension Anchor Used in conjunction with Linked Dimension, this option determines if the height, width or both are linked.
Linked Position To link the position of the image to another object or margins, use this option. When linked, any relevant change to the position of the object or margins will also change the position of the image.
Linked Position Anchor Used in conjunction with Linked Position, this option determines which side of the object or margins you want to link the image to.
  • X - Shows the horizontal position of the image within the current section.
  • Y - Shows the vertical position of the image within the current section.

If you are viewing this article from the Sage website, a list of Sage 200 Report Designer articles are available now.

Steps to duplicate
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