Customise your invoice, credit note, order and quotation layouts

You can change your layouts, such as adding your company logo and bank details, or create a bespoke design.


You can make basic changes such as adding your company logo and bank details, or create a bespoke design.

When using Report Designer, choose an invoice or credit note layout close to your desired format and edit it. Save the layout as a new file to keep the original and amended versions.

Open and save your document

  1. Click Invoices and Credits.
  2. Click any invoice, credit or order record, then click Print.
  3. Click Layouts.
  4. Choose the invoice or credit note layout you want to change then click Edit.
  5. On the menu bar click Report, then click Report Properties.
  6. Enter a new report name and description, then click OK.
  7. On the menu bar, click File then click Save As.
  8. Enter a new file name, then click Save.

Changes you can make

Customise your layout from within Report Designer. Here are the most common examples:

 TIP: Use our article: Report Designer - invoice and credit note sections to navigate through the layout and find the best place to make your changes.

Image Add an image or logo to a document. For example, your company logo.
Text boxes Add text to a document. To display your payment terms or bank details, for example.
Data field You can add most fields held in Sage 50 Accounts to your layout. Use our article to add a data field or variable to a document for more information.
Lines and Boxes Add a line or a box to a document to highlight important data or separate your items.

Find out about more Report Designer features in our how do I customise my reports and layouts? article.

Watch a video

Here's a short video about personalising your invoice layouts:

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